Tuesday 17 December 2013

Initial Idea Music Poster- Making

For my initial making of my music festival poster I found images of flowers and used photoshop to cut around the edges. I then made them into a garland and layed  this over some chevron lines and used a bold sans serif font with a drop shadow for the main title and the same font for the dates and website. Doing this early on in the design process was really helpful because I could see how well my poster would move on to screen and whether it would still be effective before going to all the effort of doing the photography and finding the design didnt work and I needed to do another one. I found that my design did work because I think it stands out and is eye catching and would advertise the festival well so I stuck with this design.

I also tried some different colour options to help me when designing later on. I found I really liked the blue shade with the white chevron and I ended up using this colour scheme for my final outcome.

Initial Ideas



Style and Colour Mood Boards


I found images of existing posters that were in a similar style or an inspiration to the style I wanted to design my film poster in. Doing this helped me to see a variety of different styles people have used within a vintage theme. The main inspiration to my poster from these was the top right because of the use of photography and bold typography and the sepia colour scheme.


These posters were to help me with the style of my music poster. These were helpful to compare different styles and see which I think would work best with my designs. The main inspiration to me from these poster was the top left one because I really liked he mix of bold fonts with lines and floral collage.


These posters were to help me with inspiration for my film poster colour scheme. Looking at these helped me see colours which are commonly used with vintage style posters and which worked best and would work best for my designs. The main inspiration I took from these was from the top right poster and the bottom right poster and I ended up using black and white bold photography like the top one and a blue textured background like the bottom one.


These posters were to help with inspiration for the colours of my music poster, The main inspiration I took from these were the top left and top right because I took the idea of using bold, block colours underneath bright bold fonts and bold coloured floral collage.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Mood Boards- Indie Music Festival Poster

Next I created three mood boards for my indie music festival poster to help me get some inspiration when designing and to help me understand the style more so I can be more accurate when designing.

First I found examples of some indie style graphic design and this will be really helpful when designing to help me see popular layouts, colour schemes and also to help me understand key features of the style.

Next I found some indie style backgrounds and this will help me if I did a typographic based poster as I would then use a background like one of these and also to help with colours.

Finally I found some indie style typography and this will again help me understand the style and I can use this mood board when designing the title and other text on the poster. Again it will also be useful if I decide to do my typographic based poster as a development of my music festival poster.

Mood Boards- Vintage Film Poster

Next I made three mood boards for my film poster, one with film related objects in a vintage style, another with vintage style design and photos and one with vintage style typography.

This mood board has film related objects and I created this to help me see what vintage cameras and films looked like to help me be more accurate when designing.

This mood board contains vintage style designs and photos and I made this to help me get more of a feel for the style and ideas for colour schemes, graphic style and patterns for backgrounds and it will also be helpful to have these so I can get the theme across more accurately.

Finally I found some vintage style typography. This will be really helpful when designing the title and text for the poster and will help me to understand the style more and make my fonts suit my theme better. It will also be helpful if I decided to do my typography based poster as a development of my film poster.

Festival Poster Annotations

Next I picked my 6 favourite images from my research for each festival poster and annotated them with my thoughts on them, what was effective/not effective and inspiration I could take from them. This was helpful because it helped me too see which style of poster I thought worked best and what not to do and also the style that I liked the best and was closest to my own style.

Festival Poster Research

The first research I did was to find some existing examples of posters for each type of festival to help give me some inspiration.

These posters are for my film festival poster and when finding them I was just going to have a general theme for my poster as it is for a general film festival with any genre but after looking at them I have decided to have a vintage style theme for my poster.

These are the posters I found for my music festival poster, I am designing one for an indie festival so I found posters that fitted around this theme and these helped me to see what works well for an indie festival poster and which amounts and style of texts and graphics I liked best and thought worked well.