Tuesday 17 December 2013

Initial Idea Music Poster- Making

For my initial making of my music festival poster I found images of flowers and used photoshop to cut around the edges. I then made them into a garland and layed  this over some chevron lines and used a bold sans serif font with a drop shadow for the main title and the same font for the dates and website. Doing this early on in the design process was really helpful because I could see how well my poster would move on to screen and whether it would still be effective before going to all the effort of doing the photography and finding the design didnt work and I needed to do another one. I found that my design did work because I think it stands out and is eye catching and would advertise the festival well so I stuck with this design.

I also tried some different colour options to help me when designing later on. I found I really liked the blue shade with the white chevron and I ended up using this colour scheme for my final outcome.

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