Monday 27 January 2014

Final Developments and Final Outcome Film Poster

 Next I added a textured background by using the colour halftone effect on a blue background. I layered this over the poster and lowered the opacity and I really like the effect of this because it gives the poster and images a vintage and aged look. I also added the date on the camera in a sans serif font and I think it looks better here then on the blue space in the poster because it becomes part of the design and doesn't break up the background.

The quality of the collage in the background and the camera was too low and when printed they looked blurry and pixelated so I had to replace them with better quality images. For the collage I recreated it using the same images of flowers that I had used in the collage that were the ones I had taken myself and I arranged these in a collage. I dont think doing it like this took away from the collage effect and I think having it better quality makes the poster look more proffessional. I couldnt improve the quality of the image of the camera because of the deadline so I found another image that was a much better quality and photoshopped the white background and used this instead. I think the camera stands out better now it is better quality and it gives a better overall finish to the poster.

I also tried out a few different colours with a green and some sepia style colours but I think the blue still worked best over all because it is soft enough to allow the images to still stand out but I think it also helps the poster to stand out more than if a brown shade was used and I think it works better than the green as it is softer and the poster with the blue had a more aged and vintage feel to it.

I made the type bigger for the date to make it stand out more and to catch the eye better so it doesnt just blend in with the picture.

I then added the location on to the camera. I also tried adding it in to the title as shown below but decided to keep it on the camera because I think it makes the overall layout of the poster look neater and more in proportion like this.

This is the location added on the title. I didnt choose this layout in the end because to do this I had to move the main images down and I think this makes the poster look bottom heavy and it also takes up more of the blue space making it look more cluttered and I think having the single line titles give it a better layout and readability.

This is my final outcome for the poster. I am happy with how it turned out because I think the black white and blue contrasts help it to stand out and catch the eye, I think it meets the vintage theme because of the typography, colours and the textured layer and I think it meets the brief because it helps advertise the festival as it gives across the theme and style of festival and will catch peoples eyes.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Final Developments and Final Outcome Music Poster

 I changed the colour of the font from black to a darker shade of the blue used for the background. I think this softens the look of the text so that it doesnt over power the whole poster but because I used a darker shade than the background the text still stands out as the main focus of the poster.

Next I added some white outlines to some of the letters of the title using the pen tool and this was to improve the readability because before some of the letters, especially the 'L's, were difficult to make out from a distance. I also darkened the colour of the flower graphics surrounding the type and I think this makes them and also the type stand out more as they give it an outline so it stands out more off the page.

This is my final outcome for the poster. I am happy with how it turned out because I think it meets the brief as the typography is the main focus in the centre of the page and it advertises the festival because the bold font would stand out from a distance and the bold colours would catch peoples eye.

Tuesday 14 January 2014

More Development Work

First I tried developing the chevron lines in the background by experimenting with different colours and thicknesses of lines.

Next I tried experimenting with the font again because I don't think using the twig writing worked as it was not bold enough for the poster and did not stand well or flow well with the other elements. I tried to adapt a pre-made font by using a flower brush to add floral details to the letters. Although I liked the final outcome of this the font and flowers were not bold enough and I needed to use a font with a thicker stroke for it to stand out so next I chose a bolder font and used floral type symbols and placed them around the edges. I think this font is the best I have made so far because it really stands out and catches the eye and as the type is supposed to be the main focus of this poster it helps it stand out above the other elements. I also added some band names in the bottom and I think this is really effective as the text becomes part of the chevron background in the poster instead of sitting on top of it and making the poster look cluttered and covering the design.

Monday 6 January 2014

Music Poster Development Work

For my initial music poster I used images of flowers off the internet just so I could quickly see whether the design would work when made on the computer or not, and once I was happy with that I created my own images of flowers.

To do this I cut the tops of fake flowers and photographed them before brining them into photoshop to remove any background around each flower. I then replaced the flowers from before with these images.

I also made my own font using twigs to create the title. I photographed this and then used photoshop to remove any background and put the words together. I then placed this in the centre of the flowers to create the main title of the poster.

This is both new elements put together over a simple black and white chevron background.

Then I tried making the main title type out of the flowers from the garland. To replace the main garland I bent a twig into a circular shape and photographed and edited it and then used it to circle the title. Although I liked how the font turned out I am not keen on the plain twig outline as I think it looks to basic and plain.

I then experimented with the garland by keeping the font make out of flowers and photographing a pre made garland that I had and editing it and using that in place of the twigs. Overall I don't think this worked very well as the garland was not realistic looking enough and all of the colours from the flowers from the font and garland were too much.

After doing this initial development I think I will continue with the first development poster shown with the garland and twig type as I think this was the most effective, stood out the most and had the best overall finish and legibility.

Initial Idea Film Poster- Making

To make my first idea for my film poster the first thing I did was use photographs I had taken of flowers, make them different sizes and then print them out and stick them into a collage. Then I took a photo of the collage and used photoshop to remove the background and brighten the image. I then did the same for the camera by photographing it then editing it on photoshop so that it could be placed on top of the collage in illustrator.

Then I made up the initial outline for the poster by placing the camera on the collage. For the font I was initially going to do it by hand which is why the first 't' is handrawn but I ended up using a script style ready made font just to start off with.

Then I experimented with a coloured background and changed the colour of the type. Because of the colours in the flowers it was hard to find a background that didn't clash but I don't think the shade of blue has a very dated and vintage feel to it so probably wont use it.

Next I changed the image to grayscale to try to make the poster look more dated and vintage and I think this really helped with the theme of my festival and it makes the coloured background not look so out of place as the poster does need a bit of colour to it.

I also tried a complete black and white version but I don't think I will use this as it would not stand out on a wall and grab peoples attention.